




Dear Consular Officer,

I would like to hereby state my reason to apply re-entry of US in the written form in hoping that all points could be delivered in a lucid manner. This is by no means of an act of self-forgiving, but a simple reiteration of the course of events for your convenience.

Owing to my previous overconfidence and misunderstanding of the US education system, I underestimate the effort required to excel in a prestigious institution such as XX. To make the matter worse, as a young Asian female I failed to adapt the western culture in the time span of one year. Owing to lacking effective communication with the faculty and staff, this grave situation was not promptly corrected. For the benefit of my health and well-being, the university and I agreed that the best practice would be for me to temporarily leave to recuperate.

During my time at home, I have repetitively reviewed my undoing and strived to amend. I constantly contacted deans of Student Life and deans of College of Science and Art, seeking their help and advice. I taught myself various courses using the courseware posted on university websites, which would in turn prepare me for the study in the coming summer and semester. I intensively participated in volunteering and rebuilt my life attitude. And I am most grateful to my parents, who gave me continuous support and love in the duration.

Now I believe that I have learnt my mistakes and become sufficiently mature to handle the challenges one must overcome as a college student in the United States. I understand that the importance for an alien to familiarize with a vastly different cultural background and build a proper supporting network. I greatly valued the opportunity of receiving high quality education from an American University and considered that both successes and failures would constitute important lessons of my life.

Finally I would like to thank you for your effort regarding this matter.


Why I come back to XX

Since I have now fully recovered from my health-related issues, I intended to continue my study at XX. In the past year, I have been intensively participating in charity works, which built up my characters and improved my communication skills. Also I have studied subjects such as Political Philosophy, which served the dual intent of satisfying my curiosity and readying me for courses such as International Relationship. I planned to take it during the immediate summer session, if my visa could be promptly issued.

The shift of my original plan

From the lessons I learnt during my first year at XX, I became aware that it might suit my interests better if I can fully utilize my passion for sciences, which have heavy critical thinking component. Thus I would like to choose Economics as my major, instead of going to the Business School as I originally scheduled. This is not a whimsical decision since I have enjoyed the subject a lot as early as my high school. Moreover, my fond of the major was renewed owing to my recent experience as a social worker. I believe that only through Economics can we properly resolve some of the big issues emerged in modern society, such as depression and unbalanced social development.

My career goal

Eventually I would like to be a financial analyst or a corporate economist, either in US or China. So upon graduation I may work for a couple of years in an entry-level position to accumulate sufficient experience and skills. After that I would like to continue my graduate study in either Economics or Finance.



1. 开门见山



2. 自我反思,但留有余地


This is by no means of an act of self-forgiving, but a simple reiteration of the course of events for your convenience.


接下来的一个段落,我们可以注意学员的一些用词,比如overconfidence, misunderstanding, underestimate和failed。反思达到这个程度是恰到好处的。单拿overconfidence来说,如果换成confidence就稍微弱了一些,但是换成arrogance的话就显然过了。之前的previous用在这边也是起限定的作用,有「痛改前非」的意思在里面。


As a young Asian female I failed to adapt the western culture in the time span of one year.

会点出自己作为young Asian female的三重弱势的身份,和one year这个短暂的时间叠加起来,就能尽量的争取对方的理解乃至同情。


I became aware that it might suit my interests better if I can fully utilize my passion for sciences, which have heavy critical thinking component.

3. 占据主导地位


For the benefit of my health and well-being, the university and I agreed that the best practice would be for me to temporarily leave to recuperate.


4. 少评判

之前见过很多转学的文书,在回答为什么转学的时候跳不出两条,不是学校(教授)不给力,就是同学不给力。如果是从国内转到国外的,或许还得再加上教育制度不给力这一条。事实上,说这些事情不但于事无补,反而会损害自己的可信度。因为作为一个申请者,在文书里写的内容并没有任何预设的权威性,而是任读者来评判筛选的。在读到这些内容后,招生官反而往往会按照西方批判性思维(critical thinking)来找申请者自身的问题。因此,即便客观事实真是这样,直接写在文书里也是不甚明智的。


Owing to lacking effective communication with the faculty and staff, this grave situation was not promptly corrected.


5. 努力!努力!努力!


I constantly contacted deans of Student Life and deans of College of Science and Art, seeking their help and advice. I taught myself various courses using the courseware posted on university websites, which would in turn prepare me for the study in the coming summer and semester. I intensively participated in volunteering and rebuilt my life attitude.


6. 人性化

通常在写作中有三种途径可以改变读者的态度:以理服人(appeal to reason)、以势压人(appeal to authority)和以情动人(appeal to emotion)。但在做解释的时候,显然最后一种是最合适的。虽然可以预料到由于文化背景、教育程度和社会阅历的差异,中国学生和招生官的共通之处不是太多。但是在一些基本的方面,比如人人都能体会到的一些正面情感上或者每个人都无法避免的生老病死上,很容易稍加渲染以拉近与读者的距离并让他们感同身受,正如下面这句话体现的一样。

And I am most grateful to my parents, who gave me continuous support and love in the duration.

7. 给过去画句号

这应该是最关键的一条了。如果是疾病或者意外的话还好说,但是如果异常情况是由于自身主观原因造成的,务必要给出充分的说明,让读者相信这种情况不会再次重演。上面第二篇学习计划的核心主旨就是围绕这个做的文章。第一部分why I come back从沟通和学术两方面解释了自己是如何克服之前的问题的(也参见上面的第五条),还稍微在最后从道德制高点上给了签证官一些压力。第二部分the shift of my original plan通过转专业的计划,让之前成绩单上商科的劣势显得不那么刺眼,同时也呼应了自己的志愿活动,体现出自己对于新专业的热忱和对整个过程的思索。

8. 展望未来

过去发生的事情都已经成为定局,无论再后悔、再竭尽全力的解释,本质上来说都是无济于事的。但是未来还没有发生,一切皆有可能,因此可以有相对较大的发挥空间。从我们个人经验来看,不少学员可能没有意识到可以而且应该好好写一写这方面。毫无疑问,一个坚定但不夸张的未来愿景,能从整体上极大增强全篇的力道,带来满满的正能量和信心。在学习计划的第三部分my career goal,学员在陈老师提醒以后确实是这么写的。




Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.